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Jesus calls us each by our own name. He knows us and desires that we come into a deeper relationship with him. If you feel Jesus calling you to come to know him and his Church, we would love to accompany you! During this time of your faith journey, we invite you to begin attending our Rite of Christian Initiation classes.
Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil, thousands are baptized into the Catholic Church in the United States. Parishes welcome these new Catholics through the Rite of Christian Initiation. This Initiation process includes various liturgical rites which culminate in the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion at the Easter Vigil.
The Rite of Christian Initiation begins with a time for inquiry and hopefully leads to your own decision to move towards baptism or reception into full communion with the Church. The unbaptized are known as catechumens, and those baptized in another Christian tradition are known as candidates.
Here at Holy Trinity, we offer three different series of classes to prepare catechumens and candidates to enter the Church.
The various classes of OCIA, OCIT, and OCIC work together so that all those participating in these classes attend the same rites of initiation and enter the Church together as a group at the Easter Vigil. If needed, candidates (those baptized in another Christian tradition) may declare a profession of faith and receive Eucharist and Confirmation at other certain times of the year.
Catechumens are baptized, confirmed, and receive Eucharist during the Vigil celebrations. In many instances the candidates are also received into the Church during the Vigil but the main emphasis is on the reception of the unbaptized.
Check out some of the free resources below to get you started on this exciting new journey of faith.